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Early Days

Before it became an empire - or even a country - Zorthenia was a small independent village named Bonma Malla. In 2275BCE, it came under risk of invasion. Bonma Malla took careful measures not to be noticed by whoever was watching, hoping to be forgotten. It wasn't enough. In 2270BCE, the people of Soria decided to take over. Both countries had very bad military, so while they were busy fighting, 30 year old Zorthen sneaked into Soria, and disabled their military from behind. This made it so that Bonma Malla easily took over Soria. Both cities wanted this new territory to be named after themselves, so Zorthen just decided 'How about neither' and named it after himself. The new country of Zorthenia had many invaders try to take it over, and every one just became part of Zorthenia. Eventually,  no one tried to conquer it any more, and an age of peace fell upon the new country. This lasted until King Zorthen the Great took control and decided to become a conquerer.

Conquering Times

King Zorthen the Great was the first Zorthenian emperor. He started small, conquering lots of desert with no one to challenge him but camels and rabbits. Then, he stumbled across the first great empire: Xagoton. Zorthen's military silently breached the outer walls of Emperor Senki's palace. From there, Zorthen took control of the throne through a duel with Senki, and Xagoton was now Zorthenia. The capital city of the Zorthenian state of Xagoton was a beautiful city named "Erranoch", but Zorthen decided to rename this city to a more traditional Zorthenian name. It was now called Bonvia Maltia.

This lasted a very long time, and by the time of King Calyur I, so much was captured that Zorthenia was not some feared empire to all, but everyday life to most. For many centuries Zorthenia was in its golden age, but Zorthenian citizens were not always happy. Zorthenian law was too strict and punishments too brutal. The work was five times as much, and half the pay. Governors of states weren't always the native species of that state! Taxes were way too much. Even the richest of the rich in Zorthenia wished they could leave, and to escape, they found themselves in the Pik corner of the empire: it's warm climate and warm waters were enough to take their mind off of stress. This state of unrest was on the country for a long, long, time. That is, until Olym P. Us Morus thought that it was enough.

In 501 BCE, Morus chipped away at Zorthenia until Pafalia Island was free. This new enclave was part of his resistance, Morianalliantala. After many years, Zorthenia was no longer within Morianalliantala. This started a chain reaction, and over the next 600 years, Zorthenia nearly crumbled completely. The final part of Zorthenia to be free was the Pik lands in 100 CE. In an act of desperation in 232 CE, Zorthenia took a chunck of Mordor and Railtown, but Morianalliantala took it back. Zorthenia crumbled until it was one small village in the middle of the desert: Bonma Malla, the now city-state of Zorthenia.

Dark Ages

Zorthenia decided that since their military was too weakened, their old strategies known, and everyone already hated them, that they shouldn't risk any more conquering. To make sure a king wouldn't decide to do this, Zorthenia decided to cycle its leaders daily, no one holding the power too long. Ideas for the common good could still happen, as the next leader would help, since they would just be another normal citizen. But conquering would require everyone to agree, which would never happen about something that would likely destroy them. Zothenia has been like this for 1100 years, and is no longer on the world stage.

Even though Zorthenia is no longer a power, resentment for the nation is still alive and well. King Mason I of Picketralia received great criticism when he allowed PikPost to send mail to Picketralia, and other kings have been criticized for loosening the sanctions on Zorthenia.