
Early Days

The Railtonian population is genetically and ancestrally identical to the Piks, and they were once the same. They are the descendants of the Kronx people who lived in the Kronx Formation. However, when The Great Flooding happened around 1800 BCE, only some people heard Burla Mayn's call south to the Mollard Valley. These people became the Piks. Others simply escaped, and one of these groups of people became the Railtonians.

A man named Cearhorh Rayle was chosen by this group of people as their leader and they marched west, but not too far, and found a nice place to set up shop. They called their settlement "Rayle-Town." This was the beginning of Railtown. The word "Railtown" would be due to a misspelling further down the line.

Cearhorh became King Cearhorh in 1797 BCE, beginning the House of Rayle-rail, originally just Rayle, and the settlement of Railtown grew and grew. Unlike other countries, Railtown was the singular "Kingdom of Railtown" and there were no other historical incarnations of it. However, the Pik-Flourtess empire would own them for a short time between 1645 BCE-1599 BCE. The Piks and Railtonians had no idea they were cousins. 

Zorthenian Days

Zorthenia was obviously a threat to Railtown, as basically all of the territory around it was now Zorthenian. But the Railtonians had an idea: join the Zorthenians. They wanted to keep their sovereignty but also get rid of Zorthenia as a threat. Surprisingly, in 1069BCE, Zorthenia agreed to this idea, no strings attached, and Railtown let them build watchtowers on their territory. Railtown was this enclave of Zorthenia.

It was at this time that Rayle became Rail. Years of illiterates turned the country's name into "Railtown." In addition, Zorthenia brought an accidental discovery to the table: the Bontry, a cart with wheels on two medal rods makes it move very fast. The Zorthenians didn't care about this but the Railtonians discovered its potential and improved it. They rebranded it the "Rail," in honor of their country.

Railtown itself also improved. Zorthenia paid them in return for the land the watchtowers sit on. Another town was built within Railtown's land: New Railtown. The population of Railtown had boomed, unlike other countries, the Zorthenian days were golden.

However, we all know Zorthenia came to an end. In 100 CE, Zorthenia lost the last reach of its empire: the Pik lands. Zorthenia could no longer afford Railtown's land and it didn't make sense to continue owning it, and let it go. This was the beginning of the end. Thankfully, Moria came to its aide and protected it for a little while, essentially propping it up until it got better. Railtown became immersed in Morian culture and adopted their language. However, this was the beginning of Railtonian malcontent.

Conquering Days

Not too long after, the Railtonians invaded and annexed a nearby country, the Free Pik State. It is unknown what their motive was: either to gain power or to gain money. Either way, they conquered their land and opened even more copper mines in the city of Stimpton to acquire revenue, and they did. 

They turned Stimpton into a police state, where if someone was suspected to have dangerous anti-Railtown thoughts, they would be imprisoned in the newly constructed Bilvin Prison. It would be renamed Saint Olaf Prison in 1100. If Bilvin was full, you were killed.

In circa 645, New Railtown voted for independence from Railtown and joined Moria. Railtown couldn't care less because their main focus was Stimpton, and temporarily moved their capital to Stimpton from 678-700.

To quell rebelion, they would often burn the city of Stimpton. They were paranoid and, while this was effective, it often lead in anger, so they would leave. However, Railtown quickly caught on and built a granite wall around the City of Stimpton. 845 years of this led to the heir of the puppet throne, Bartholomeu, to gather a group of rebels and hide under Salva Rock out east, after finding a weak spot in the wall.      A war ensued, and 7 years later, Bartholomeu won.

The Fall

During the Battle of Savannah Tree, or the Fall of Railtown on May 25, 978, Bartholomeu and his men used a concoction from a man in a Pafalian cave to decimate Railtown. When breathed in, it sent you into a state of sedation, and Bartholomeu and his men went on a rampage killing everyone. Because of this, Railtown's population decreased by 97% and the remaining 3% who survived relocated to New Railtown or another Morian city.

On May 29, the terms were decided. The Kingdom of Railtown was ceded to Moria and its money given to the new country of Picketralia.

Furthermore, Railtown was abandoned, and would not be inhabited until it was rehabilitated in 1372.


Today, Railtown has a steady population and remains a border town in Moria. Some buildings from before the fall remain, but most were reconstructed. There are still some signs of the once great kingdom:

1. The city flag is the flag of the Kingdom of Railtown. Moria kept its flag and repurposed it as the city flag.

2. One of the border watchtowers that was used by the Zorthenians is still there and used by the Morian army.

3. New Railtown is still a town, and arguably, is thriving even more. 

4. Railtonian, the language, is still spoken by some people as a minority language in the area surrounding Railtown and New Railtown.