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The Fall

Mordor fell in January 1372 after a long decline. While it had always been a bit isolated, things were going downhill as it became harder to compete. Its economy was centered around the military and it didn’t have many modern advancements, such as completely patrolled borders, diplomacy, street names, and a place for the homeless. The king escaped the failing nation and it fell into anarchy. However, on August 27, 1372, King Cyrus of Moria and King Mason I of Picketralia agreed to accept refugees into their respective nations. The Picketralian Senate was skeptical if Stimpton’s crime rate would increase but it didn’t. Mordor was one of the “Big Three'' nations before it fell. King Paul escaped to an unknown mountain territory. There was a plan to cede what was left of Mordor to the neighboring newer country of Frankfurt which was more free and had a more stable economy.