Duchy of Portichoke

Early Days

The Duchy of Portichoke was, at first, uninhabited desert, inhabited by the Jacklebium rabbit, which is a Mollard Valley local species. It wasn't until Bekram Portichoke claimed a rectangular tract of land in 1110 BCE during the Stimpton Monarchy, now in the present day south of Picketralia did Portichoke become a thing.

Bekram Portichoke built his home at the far south portion of this tract. He had 5 kids, and soon, he was dividing his land up to give to his four kids and their families. He died in 1125 BCE. By then, he had divided his land 14 times.

Soon, the community of the Portichoke Family was large enough to be on a map...the cartographer never actually visited Portichoke but needed to name the village something. He called it "Portichoke".

Zorthenian Days

As with rest of the Carus II Pik Union, Portichoke became part of the Zorthenian State of Pik after Calyur conquered the Carus II Pik Union in 1078 BCE. Conditions plummeted as many Portichokians headed north to become indentured servants to the Zorthenian nobility who built vacation homes on the Stimpton Delta.

Zorthenia stole the land of the Portichoke Family to create a state run farming industry. The local Jacklebium rabbit population plummeted as Zorthenian taste of Jacklebium rabbit increased, and the only place you could find them was this corner of the Zorthenian Desert.

Portichoke became part of the Free Pik State after the Zorthenian State of Pik got their freedom in 100 CE.

Days of Independence

The Kingdom of Railtown annexed the Free Pik State in 126 CE, and now officially was soverign over Portichoke. However, Railtown's achilles heel was monitoring anything outside of Picketralia. This only became more of a problem after the construction of the Great Wall.

Portichoke acted as its own country...but no country actually recognized it as its own. What first started out as "Yeah! We're a country!" turned into economic disparity. However, this would change in 978 CE.

Portichoke was invited to sit at the Treaty of Pafalia negotiating table in Acrul, called the Duchy of Portichoke. They presented a good case that they should join the new "Kingdom of Picketralia and the Picketralian Union". However, they had to settle on a compromise...become part of the Picketralian Righteous Lands...lands Picketralia could annex with no questions asked. 

Economic disparity continued, however, a glint of hope came to Portichoke in 1372. King Mason I was on a land-annexing spree. He now wanted Portichoke. The Portichokians held a referendum and they overwhelmingly wanted tp join the KPPU. In November, they were officially annexed.

Picketralian Days

Portichoke now prospers under Picketralian rule. After all, being part of one of the biggest countries on the world stage isn't exactly a bad thing. PikPost came to town, and they were absorbed into Bushley County in Picketralia.