
Early Days

Stimpton is the largest and capital city of Picketralia. As of 1372, it has the largest land area, and has the second largest population.

The city was founded by disbanded Kronx Tribes in 1771BCE, who, after their homeland was ruined, needed to set up shop. It is derived from Stimp, which means prosperous in Pik, and Ton, which means town in Pik. Stimpton's first house was located at what is now the intersection of Flat Avenue and Haybale Street.

When the tribes of Pik (evolved Kronx's) and Flourtess conjoined, they made a empire called the Pik-Flourtess Empire. They united under tne ruler Czeaica, who was the ruler of Flourtess. Stimpton became the capital, and they conquered most of what is now Southeastern Moria.

A Flourtess man named Jubol Xcak was rising the ranks in the Pik-Flourtess government. He took control and seized Pik. He died 10 years later, and he was burnt by the angry Pik and Flourtess tribes.

The factions of Picketralia, Philow,  Suntan, Ot, and Mekkus all tried to burn down the city. 

Fast foward a union and a dictatorship, and then they founded the Stimpton Monarchy. Historians consider it to be the most successful pre-Zorthenian Pik kingdom. It lasted from 1450BC-1117BC. 

However, a dad-son set of rulers ended the Stimpton Monarchy, for the short lived Carus I and Carus II Pik Union. The Carus II Pik Union was conquered by King Calyur of Zorthenia in 1078BC.

Zorthenian Era

Stimpton was already a bustling city when the Zorthenians moved in. They built Calyur Chapel, Pigot School, Snowdon School, and many homes, and laid the foundation for what is now South Stimpton, which then was just grassland and farming. This is why most homes in Stimpton look the same. Many Zorthenians moved to Stimpton as it was not as crowded as Bonvia Maltia. Stimpton's population increased, and it is estimated that 52% of the city's population is descended from Zorthenians. 47% is descended from the Piks, and the remaining 1% are immigrants.

They also constructed a palace for the king just outside Stimpton, in what is now Llama Hill. They called it Sullivan River Palace, because it was close to the Sullivan River. (the Sullivan Lake hadn't formed yet.) It was used for when Zorthenian kings came to Pik, and is still used today by the Picketralian Monarchy, however, it has undergone several renovations since then.

On October 14, 91 AD, during the night, Picketralian rebels, during the Zorthenian War, smashed a ton of glass in different buildings, and replaced the glass with Picketralian colors. They smashed all the glass in Calyur Chapel, and were marching their way to the palace. They made it, and smashed the front facing panes and replaced them, before they were caught. The Piks took the guards hostage, beheaded them, and threw the heads into a water cave behind the palace. In fact, there are still skulls down there. The bodies were buried somewhere unknown.

It was an embarrassing defeat for the Zorthenians. How could this group of 5 people practically decimate this squadron of 50 Zorthenian Guards, and sneak past them to smash glass? 

9 years later, the Piks gained independence. 

Railtonian Era

When Railtown annexed the Free Pik State in 126, Stimpton became the new biggest city in their nation, and the amount of copper mines in the city almost quintupled. The entire reason Railtown annexed the Pik lands was for that copper.

The Zorthenians were rather lenient compared to Railtown. To quell rebels, they would burn the city frequently. This gave many rock structures in the city that were built during the Zorthenian era or during the Railtonian era a black  coloring that after all these years, has not gone away.

When Bartholomeu gathered his rebels, he did not stay in Stimpton and drifted between different headquarters, out in the wilderness. When Railtown was kicked out, the city had a parade. This parade became the Independence Day parade celebrated every May 29th.

Modern Era

Stimpton today is the largest city in the world and second highest population. The different, distinct. neighborhoods, such as Chapel Hill, Emerald Village, Bell Circle, Fort Lung Lake, Hayfla, and King Mason, have different distinct atmospheres. South Stimpton has also thrived, with the neighborhoods such as Plain Estates, Voter Hall, LaSou, Gatebridge, and Port Stimpton.