Moria-Picketralia Relations

Moria and Picketralia have been allies for most of known history, even before the two nations existed. The dwarves and the Kronx were very different people, and while living in nearby areas, did not communicate and did not trade that much.

During the time of the Pik-Flourtess Empire, they and the United Kingdom of Dwarves were aware of each other but did not interact. The Pik-Flourtess Empire deemed them too powerful and the UKoD couldn't care less about some humans who lived on the equator. 

During the Stimpton Monarchy, they engaged in trade. Carus I sent a threat to the UKoD but they ignored it. During the days of Zorthenia, they were part of the same country.

Moria helped free the Piks from Zorthenia under their ruler, Monarch Everblaze. By 99 CE they were mostly freed. In 100 CE, Zorthenia was no longer an empire. 

Railtown invaded and annexed the Free Pik State in 126 CE but Moria did not notice because Railtown hid it very well. It wasn't until the 900's that they were suspicious. They assisted in the independence war from 971-978, and many Morian citizens joined Bartholomeu's cause.

After the Second Pik Independence War, Moria and Picketralia maintained a positive relationship.