Bonma Malla

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Early Days

Bonma Malla was a small independent village. Neighboring it were two other villages: Soria and Rervo. The three villages lived in relative peace, advancing their technologies. This lasted until Soria decided to conquer Bonma Malla, but the conquerers were conquered. This led to the creation of Zorthenia, and when Rervo tried to conquer it, Rervo to was swallowed.

Zorthenian Era

Bonma Malla was in peace as the Zorthenian capital for many years, until King Zorthen the Great conquered Xagoton and added it to Zorthenia. Xagoton's capital city of Erranoch was renamed to Bonvia Maltia and became the capital. Still Bonma Malla was in peace. This lasted until Olympus Morus started to chip away a Zorthenia's foundations, and a chain reaction of free countries started. Bonma Malla raised it defenses, in case a neighboring country decided to take it. Eventually, Zorthenia shrunk. It was still a great empire, just not as great. Since Bonvia Maltia had been breached, Zorthenia moved its capital back to Bonma Malla. When Zorthenia finally dissolved, Bonma Malla was left as a city-state.

Modern Era

Bonma Malla is currently the final grip of Zorthenia. It owns no territories outside of its city. The leaders of this city rotate daily, so no one holds the power too long.