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Early Days

The ancient equivalent of Moria, the United Kingdom of Dwarves (UKOD) was founded when Marcus Dorvinblade discovered the caverns beneath the Pafalian Islands in 1700 BCE. When he surfaced, he found a warm savanna island, much warmer and more fertile than the freezing Mount Yksi, where the dwarves previously were. The dwarven monarch at the time, Julius Albertus Moflain, was immediately notified of this discovery, and claimed the newly found islands, and many dwarves joined him there. A palace was constructed within the caves, and the oldest version of Moria was born. 

Over time, the UKOD took more land, today known as pieces of the Morian states of Hydia, Morthalia, and Trioa. As the country grew, so did the population and wealth. Foreign relations were established with the few neighboring countries and city-states, including the Kingdom of Railtown, who occupied a small portion of Terria Island. By 1100 BCE, UKOD was a flourishing kingdom, and all was well. Or so was thought.

Zorthenian Era

A new nation of humans was rapidly conquering independent towns northwest of UKOD. King Zorthen the Great had arrived, and his successors. The northwesternmost town of UKOD, Lopil (now known as Tradeland) was conquered in 1095 BCE. This was an act of war, and the king at the time, Morthis Ala Moflain, would not allow it. UKOD's neighbor to the southwest, Barne, rallied their troops to the cause. Other small countries joined in, but UKOD and Barne had the most notable armies. Alliances were made against the invading nation of Zorthenia, and on August 18th, 1093 BCE, a formal declaration of war was made.

Most thought this country would fall quickly under an attack from the most notable known armies, and that's what happened at first. But that's not how it ended. The Barne-UKOD army chipped away at Zorthenia, quickly at first, but started slowing down. And slowing down. And then it stopped. On March 22nd 1080 BCE, Zorthenia won their first major battle again the joint army. After that, the Barne-UKOD won less and less battles until they stopped. Meanwhile, in 1078 BCE, the Carus II Pik Union, which today is Picketralia, was conquered after 4 years of fighting. The UKOD and Barne were now surrounded on all four sides. The best they were doing was delaying Zorthenia, and they weren't even doing that very well. In June of 1070, Barne was conquered. On September 23rd, UKOD was now the Zorthenian state of Dwarfland. The only independent chunk of the UKOD was Roxquay, a small town surrounded by tall cliffs on all sides. It carried on as the UKoD for many years, though, with no organized government.

Life in Zorthenian Dwarfland was horrid. They were being taxed insanely with no benefits. Dwarves were drafted into the Zorthenian army and forced to conquer new lands for Zorthenia. For centuries, there was no hope. 

Morian Revolution

Beginning in 501 BCE, Olym Primis Ustak Morus, who went by Olym P. Us. Morus, anglicized Olympus Morus, began gathering a group of rebels and fled to Roxquay, the last part of the UKoD, to hopefully free Dwarfland from Zorthenia. The first year or so was simply recruting for the cause. On March 5, 499 BCE, after hundreds of people had overcrowded Roxquay, they planned their first attack: the Siege of Acrul. The goal of the Siege of Acrul was to kill the Governor of the State of Dwarfland in the state of Dwarfland's capital city: Acrul. It was partially succesful: many seniors in the state government died, but the governor remained unscathed.

The rebel group suffered little fatalities, and the Siege of Acrul was a stalemate. However, they were back for more. In 498 BCE, they planned to assasinate the King, who was at that time, Morius Antalius Koftog, and the Governor of Dwarfland, who were to ride in their open top chariot in the streets of Templand en route to Tradeland to open a new seaport, by hijacking the chariot and killing both. They struck on May 7, 498 BCE. However, it simply left the King and the Governor with puncture wounds. Undeterred, King Morius challenged Olym to a duel, if he ever managed to kill the governor.

Olym and his group of rebels returned to Roxquay to plan their next attack, which they now governed. They realized assasinations weren't going to work. They had to hit Zorthenia where it would do the most damage: Bonvia Maltia. Olym gathered everyone in the Dwarvian Freedom Movement, known as the DFM, and traveled to Bonvia Maltia, where they arrived on October 17, 497 BCE. They torched the city and, for a few days, ran the city. However, the King called in the Zorthenian Guard and quickly quelled the DFM through violence. Olym barely survived, and the survivors returned to Roxquay.

Olym knew he had to deal a fatal blow to Zorthenia. He remembered what King Morius told him: so he focused his attention on assasinating the Governor of Dwarfland. He gathered a few members of the DFM and they traveled to Acrul. They arrived on December 3, 497 BCE. They noticed the defenses on the island were rather strong, so they had to take a different route. Remembering a cave entrance to the underground portion of Acrul where the governor lived, they entered the caves and popped out in the Dorvinblade Tunnels just a few hours later. 

Olym ran into the Governor's Mansion, found his way to the office, and dealt a fatal stab to the Governor. He promplty escaped the same way he entered. Enraged, the King pulled some strings and was able to get an informant in Roxquay: unknown to him, that informant was a double agent. The King knew Olym would be back...and he was intent on fulfilling his promise.

Olym had unfinished business, however. He wanted to take the Pafalian Islands, so he had to return to Acrul. He gathered everyone in the DFM, and they marched onwards to Acrul. When they arrived, the enslaught of 673 people was too much for Zorthenian guardsmen to handle and many surrendered to be captured or risked death. They made their way to the inner city, where they looted, torched, and murdered. Acrul fell on January 29, 496 BCE. The DFM now controlled the capital city of the Zorthenian State of Dwarfland: Acrul.

Survivors of the Fall of Acrul soon joined the DFM. Olym had his eyes set on connecting his land: Roxquay and the Pafalian Islands, which means they had to conquer what is now known as the Morian State of Morthalia. They arrived in Templand, where the citizens of the city surrendered without a fight. They quickly conquered the uninhabited desert land of Morthalia, made their way past Roxquay, and were en route to Valrod: the largest city in the area. After the Battle of Valrod, Valrod fell on March 4, 496 BCE.

Olym now controlled the majority of what made up the Zorthenian State of Dwarfland. Now he needed to conquer what is now Trioa. However, at the time, the majority of what made up Trioa was the Kingdom of Railtown, allies of Zorthenia. Olym couldn't have cared less about Railtown but had his sights set on Cactown. At the time, the Metersons weren't as influential in the city. However, Cactown remained surprisngly pro-Zorthenian, and it took many days of fighting to conquer Cactown, which fell on April 16, 496 BCE.

They marched onwards to the last city in the area on Olym's list: Deep Lake City. They knew the DFM was coming: they were a force to be reckoned with after gaining many numbers after a string of conquering. Deep Lake City easily fell on May 28, 476 BCE.

Meanwhile, back in Bonvia Maltia, King Morius threw a hissy fit after realizing that he had lost almost all of the Zorthenian State of Dwarfland. Being the psychotic he was, he reminded Olym of the deal he made with him: if he managed to kill the governor, which he had done a few months ago on December 3, 497 BCE. Olym added another condition: if Morius loses the duel, Olym takes Tradeland and Mountland, which would have completed his conquest. If Olym loses the duel, the DFM is dissolved and Morius takes back their territory. King Morius agreed, and they scheduled a date for the duel: August 1, 495 BCE.

After a year of waiting, the day finally came. Olym departed the new headquarters of the DFM on May 30, 495 BCE. which was Valrod, as Acrul was still in ruins. He arrived in Bonvia Maltia on August 1, just in time for the duel. At exactly 9:15 AM, they walked 10 paces apart, bows and spears loaded. Olym thrust his spear towards King Morius, and it landed in his neck. King Morius collapsed, went into a coma, and died on August 3. Olym had done it. The Zorthenian State of Dwarfland was free.

Modern Days

Olym returned to Valrod, delivering the news. There was much rejoicing. He crowned himself King of Moria on August 5, 495 BCE, and placed the temporary capital city of Moria in Valrod until a new palace and government center was constructed in Acrul. He got the name from his own last name after a vote by the new country. There were four options: Dwarfland, Moria, Olymia, and the Dwarfland Freed State. He set up a democratic kingdom: kings would serve for life, and upon their death, new kings would be elected by the populace.