Dovin I

King Dovin I


Born: Sep 13, 1297: Llama Hill, Picketralia                                                                                                                             Died: May 6, 1363 : Desert Falls, Picketralia

Reign: October 23, 1329-May 6, 1363 - 33 years                                                                                                                      Age: 65 years, Cause of Death: Organ failure                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

A depiction of King Dovin made after he died to represent how horrible life was under his reign.

The depiction of Dovin is innacurate but is symbolic.

Circa 1389


Dovin I was the monarch of Picketralia from 1329 to 1363, and had a reputation as one of the worst kings in the country's history. 

Dovin I was born in 1297 to King Ravonh III. He married his 10th cousin 4x removed, Keldria Makarnel, and they had Mason I at the age of 13 and 10. He assumed the throne of Picketralia in 1329 after his father's death. Despite his royal lineage, Dovin I's reign was marked by negative factors that impacted his ability to rule effectively. He was known for heavy taxation, slow response to crises, and inadequate preparation for disasters. Additionally, he had a tendency to veto important laws, including one that would have upgraded the fire prevention system, which had tragic consequences.

Dovin I also had a reputation for a harsh approach to dealing with prisoners and other nations. He executed a significant number of prisoners and frequently threatened other nations. He also repealed PAFIV, an act passed by his father that made it harder to claim villages and suppress them. He also tried to get Picketralia to leave the Council of Nations, however, he died before he could pass the law. The first thing his son, Mason, did, was get rid of that law.

In addition to these negative factors, Dovin I struggled with alcoholism, which further impacted his ability to rule effectively, which led to his death in 1363 from alcohol poisoning, after an Elder April Party. which led to mass organ failure. He had to have a private funeral as there was an attempt to burn his coffin.