South Stimpton

From The Mighty Kingdoms Wiki

South Stimpton is a city in Picketralia. Located just south of Stimpton, in Lynwhag County, is the second largest city in the country by population, with an estimated population of around 110,000 people.


South Stimpton, at the time of it's settlement around 1800 BCE by the Pik people, was part of the Mollard Valley, a river valley with savannah, forests, and plains, bounded by the Stimpton and Sullivan Rivers. When the Pik's arrived in the modern day location of Stair Place and Haybale Street in Stimpton, the main settlement was located in the "two hills" of Stimpton: Farm Hill, and Chapel Hill, and the much flatter, and more fertile land, was dedicated towards farming.

There was only one residence in modern day South Stimpton, the Royal Berry Farm. When it was built by Abilin Grivan around 1797BCE, the property took up nearly half the area, and the rest was private farms. The Pik's farmed wheat, soy, corn, and propagated mangrove trees, of which were brought to the country from previous expeditions. Most farmers commuted to their fields and farms from the main city of Stimpton.

During the Pik-Flourtess Empire, the