
From The Mighty Kingdoms Wiki

A rogue is a person or a group of individuals, usually within a family, that do not reside within typical population centers, such as cities, towns, municipalities, or farming communities. These people typically reside outside of countries or national borders and often on islands. Most often, these people reside in their ancestral homes, however, some people have become rogues because they wanted to escape society.

History of rogues

Rogues have been observed for millennia. Before society, everyone was a rogue, but once people began to congregate in communities and created society, governments, laws, militaries, etc., they became less common. The earliest known rogue post-agricultural revolution was a man named Ultrius Roxquay, who lived in a small savannah valley surrounded by mountains. However, his family grew, and thus, the town of Roxquay was born.

During the Zorthenian era, many people became rogues in an attempt to escape persecution. This is where many modern rogues are descended from, as after the Zorthenian Empire was broken up, they did not return to where their family had resided.

Today, there are numerous rogues. An exact number cannot be calculated, due to their remote nature and infrequent contact with the rest of the world, however, several have been contacted or observed in passing voyages on ships or an attempt to speak with them. A list of them can be found here.

Council of Nations member countries have agreed to not kill them or colonize their territory. While they are not officially recognized are sovereign, they have de-facto sovereignty over their land and typically own their land, although the jurisdiction in which they have property has yet to be agreed on.

Challenges facing rogues

Due to their reclusive nature, rogues often are not very healthy, however, they are well-fed, as many are farmers, hunters, or fishers. In addition, the gene pool is very small, as unless someone new comes to live with them, they marry and procreate with people whom they have some relation to.

Rogues are not typically violent but many have been observed to be hostile to outsiders who attempt to visit their property. There are no recorded incidents of a rogue killing someone who trespassed their property or visited their property.