
From The Mighty Kingdoms Wiki
Revision as of 21:59, 7 December 2024 by Pickett (talk | contribs) (→‎Mailing)

The Picketralian Postal Service, doing business as PikPost, also known as the PPS, or Picketralian Post Office, is a government-run postal service that serves Picketralia. By volume of mail processed, it is the largest postal service in the world, however, by number of employees, it comes in second, behind Moria Post.



How to Send Mail

Open a book and quill, and on the first page, enter the destination address of your recipient. Here is an example:

King Mason I

16 Main Trail

Llama Hill

LH Picketralia

Under it, enter your address. If you are sending internationally, you use their address format, and then under that, put "IN" and then the destination country afterwards. After you have addressed the book and quill alongside your message, sign it, and bring it to your local post office and drop it in the collection bin. If you are mailing to a territory, the address format is:

Recipient Name

Territory Name

PT Picketralia

Picketralia uses a system of two letter postal codes that ease sorting and distribution for mail. Below is a list of two letter postal codes:

City/Town/Settlement Postal Code
Stimpton ST
South Stimpton SS
Sand Dune City SD
Llama Hill LH
Desert Falls DF
Frogton-by-Farm FF
Portichoke PC
Rosway RY
Pigot School PG
Picketralian Territories PT
International IN


PikPost can mail almost anywhere in the world, however, some destinations come at a fee. Countries that do not have an organized postal system or are designated as dangerous destinations for postal workers come at a fee, instead of the typical free rate for postage.