Grivan-Bartholemeu vs. Grivan-Bartholemeu
Grivan-Bartholemeu vs. Grivan-Bartholemeu was a Picketralian court case between King Mason I and King Mason I. Following is a transcript of the case:
"Judge (Mason I): The court will begin hearing oral arguments from the prosecution.
Prosecution (Mason I): The defendant knowingly counterfeited money to purchase a property in Embassy Island, Moria, south of Acrul.
Defendant (Mason I): Shut up, that didn't happen.
Prosecution (Mason I): Yes, it did.
Defendant (Mason I): No, it didn't.
Judge (Mason I): Order! The jury has delivered a verdict. They find the defendant guilty. His sentence is several days of house arrest at Mount Tazewell Palace."
Afterwards, he served approximately half of his sentence before pardoning himself and returning to Stimpton.